Local History

Our information sheet coming soon!

This group meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 1:30pm in The Magnolia Room, Besoul, 12 Gumfield Drive, Warkworth. Please check the calendar for changes.

The district of Warkworth is teeming with history, and while the local history group of U3A has been in operation for 11 years there is always another topic ‘on the horizon’ waiting to be explored!

Currently the group numbers 19 with 15 being regular attendees, many being comparatively new members allowing us to revisit some previously explored history. We mostly we meet in The Magnolia Room, Besoul, 12 Gumfield Drive, Warkworth for our meetings where digital presentations are possible, other times we travel to the destination to be discussed - field trip style.
Members are encouraged to research a topic  or sometimes  a local person with a strong knowledge of a particular aspect of our local history will be invited as our speaker.
Joining Local History is a great way to fully appreciate the community you now call home.

Convenors: Jenni McGlashan & Marilyn Owens

Email Jenni & Marilyn

“Local history is the tapestry of our community, weaving the threads of our past into the fabric of our present identity ”